# Lizardking/Strange composed for pure metal coders ^^^^r.a.w^^^^ hello to: kingpin/offence and lord helmet/pmc i will also compete with a longer version of this tune at hackerence 5. a quite lame place to be at...... but...... it's very close to where i live.... and i'll enter free!!!! it's not so hard to make tune under 130k, i just have to fight with it a few more hours.......hehehe... (c) lizardking-92 (c) lizardking-92 (c) lizardking-92 (c) lizardking-92 (c) lizardking-92 (c) lizardking-92 (c) lizardking-92 (c) lizardking-92 (c) lizardking-92 (c) lizardking-92